Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Make Youself Some Popcorn"


My sister and I have been abusing the DVD Player for the past few weeks. At first it was I who is abusing the DVD Player, watching "Criminal Minds" as much as I could... and now that sister has found DVDs of Korean soap operas in our drawer (which we didn't know we have), she's using it while I am in front of my netbook. She is done with "Boys Over Flowers," right now she is watching "Dalja's Spring" as of this writing.

I remembered when cousin Mhai was still here and we went to do grocery shopping, we put a bag of popcorn in our cart just so we have something to munch while watching. I guess part of the joys of being a couch potato is to eat some snacks, but because we normally watch after we eat our main meal, it was pretty rare for us to snack while watching.

If you have read (or if you are reading) my personal blog - An Autobiography in the Works - you might have read something about a friend who used my name in making malicious, nasty rumors for reasons I cannot seem to understand. Anyway, I know life is one rollercoaster ride... and now that I have accepted that people are going to hurt you, life goes on. I am very much okay now, and as I face life, I guess I am going to need a lifetime supply of popcorn to snack on as my own soap opera rolls. :)

*** Jenn ***

ps - I personally prefer the basic buttered popcorn with salt, am not much into the flavored ones.

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Jenn, the Foodie

I come from a family who loves cooking and eating. I never had any formal training in cooking and that I taught myself how to cook based on the handed down recipes, but I could say that I can cook good food. In 2008, I started documenting my food trips for my travel blog, and since I have quite enough to start a food blog, might as well put all those food trips in one location. Thus, a food blog is born - thanks to the new Friendster Blogs. However, due to several problems, I was left with no choice but to pack bags again and move here instead. Here's the permanent address, promise! Enough talk, let the food trippin' begin! {Know More About Me}