Monday, January 3, 2011

Weekend Eating - Sinugba Platter

Happy Monday, everyone! Time to share something from the weekend, and for the first Weekend Eating this year, am sharing something from Media Noche...

Sinugba Platter

... the Sinugba Platter.

Brother's the main cook for Media Noche, and I do loved that he took on something healthy to start the year. He prepared grilled tilapia, chicken thighs, squids, pork (barbecue), and eggplants. Apart from this, he also cooked seafood with tausi, and some of our neighbors also gave some dishes from their Media Noche. It was a food frenzy! Delish!

I only got to eat a stick of pork barbecue, because I decided to eat the dishes given by the neighbors. For New Year's Day lunch, I ate my share of the chicken and tilapia. :) There's this tradition that what you do for the first day of the year pretty much sets the tone of the whole year, and I do hope eating healthy will be something we all live by for the whole year.

What did you have last weekend?

*** Jenn ***

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Jenn, the Foodie

I come from a family who loves cooking and eating. I never had any formal training in cooking and that I taught myself how to cook based on the handed down recipes, but I could say that I can cook good food. In 2008, I started documenting my food trips for my travel blog, and since I have quite enough to start a food blog, might as well put all those food trips in one location. Thus, a food blog is born - thanks to the new Friendster Blogs. However, due to several problems, I was left with no choice but to pack bags again and move here instead. Here's the permanent address, promise! Enough talk, let the food trippin' begin! {Know More About Me}