Thursday, January 29, 2009

5 for Wednesday - 012809

1. Do you like garlic in food?
>>> Yup! I love the smell and taste of garlic... I can even eat raw garlic!

2. Do you have any favorite food brands you always look for?
>>> Jack and Jill Chippy!

3. What food or foods seem to give your gas the worst?
>>> egg and kamote.

4. Would you like for menu items at restaurants to list calorie counts?
>>> I don't really care much about calories because it acts as body's battery, what I want to have a list of is the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in the foods.

5. If you were lost in the woods of your area, what plants would you know to use as food?
>>> For one, there's gabi (taro). There are also saluyot and other trees/plants that can provide food for my tummy. =)

*** Jenn ***

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Jenn, the Foodie

I come from a family who loves cooking and eating. I never had any formal training in cooking and that I taught myself how to cook based on the handed down recipes, but I could say that I can cook good food. In 2008, I started documenting my food trips for my travel blog, and since I have quite enough to start a food blog, might as well put all those food trips in one location. Thus, a food blog is born - thanks to the new Friendster Blogs. However, due to several problems, I was left with no choice but to pack bags again and move here instead. Here's the permanent address, promise! Enough talk, let the food trippin' begin! {Know More About Me}