Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ted's Batchoy

Ted's Extra Super Batchoy

While brother was in Cagayan de Oro and mom and I had to go grocery shopping... we didn't really feel we had to do the dining tradition (eating at a new food place). However, while thinking where we would eat, we found ourselves passing by Ted's Oldtimer La Paz Batchoy, and thought we might as well try their foods.

Mom went with their rice meal - daing na bangus with rice and very small serving of batchoy, while I went for the normal serving of their Super Batchoy, the most expensive on their menu at 85 pesos. It had cuts of pork, intestines, and liver, which I gave to mom (the liver only, that is) - because I don't eat it. Mom was actually all smiles when I scooped out the liver slices in my bowl to her bowl and told me her small bowl of batchoy became super batchoy instantly. :)

It was really good. The seasoning was just right, the meat was really tender (it was like eating slices of lechon), and the staffs were really efficient. Mom and I were eating at a mall in Metro Manila, yet we felt as if we were eating at a food stall in Iloilo because the staff were talking to each other in llonggo.

Tasting this batchoy made me excited for my upcoming trip to Iloilo in November - I surely would eat the authentic La Paz Batchoy once there.

*** Jenn ***

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Jenn, the Foodie

I come from a family who loves cooking and eating. I never had any formal training in cooking and that I taught myself how to cook based on the handed down recipes, but I could say that I can cook good food. In 2008, I started documenting my food trips for my travel blog, and since I have quite enough to start a food blog, might as well put all those food trips in one location. Thus, a food blog is born - thanks to the new Friendster Blogs. However, due to several problems, I was left with no choice but to pack bags again and move here instead. Here's the permanent address, promise! Enough talk, let the food trippin' begin! {Know More About Me}