Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Trying Out the Jolly Pancake Sandwich

Hello, hello!

Sometime last week, us three girls went to the nearest Jollibee to eat breakfast. That seemed a little "out of this world" as we do eat breakfast at home most of the time, but recently, Jollibee introduced a new product that caught our attention - the Jolly Pancake Sandwich.

Before I share our food trip experience, a little background - I am not really into pancakes. Now, don't think I just made a contradiction because in my last paragraph I mentioned that the Pancake Sandwich caught our or my attention. Here's the thing - the typical type of pancakes - the one with butter and maple syrup - doesn't appeal to me. The savory kind, now that is what I like. So here at home when it's pancakes for breakfast, I'd cook their share first, and on the remaining pancake batter, I would add something savory - may it be hotdogs, corned beef, or cheese.

So this??? Pancake heaven.

It has everything I wanted with my pancakes - bacon, egg, and cheese. I just loved the sweet taste of the pancake mixing with the salty add-ons and this just made a very good, satisfying breakfast. If there will be complaints, that would be:

1) Not enough for me - I want more, and
2) I hope this is available anytime of the day.

My mom and sister loved it, too, and if we have another chance to eat out for breakfast, we would go for this again.

*** Jenn ***

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Jenn, the Foodie

I come from a family who loves cooking and eating. I never had any formal training in cooking and that I taught myself how to cook based on the handed down recipes, but I could say that I can cook good food. In 2008, I started documenting my food trips for my travel blog, and since I have quite enough to start a food blog, might as well put all those food trips in one location. Thus, a food blog is born - thanks to the new Friendster Blogs. However, due to several problems, I was left with no choice but to pack bags again and move here instead. Here's the permanent address, promise! Enough talk, let the food trippin' begin! {Know More About Me}