Monday, May 10, 2010

Lasagna Wraps

The last post in this blog before this one was dated 08 January 2010. Wow, that's a long time of no posts for this blog! I guess having to update five blogs was a bit too much for me to handle, but I am now determined to go back.

What made me go back? Well, not too long ago, I started posting about my food trips in a forum I belong to. Since then my interest in foods got back, and now that my friend Halie has opened a food blog as well, I think it was high time for me to re-open this blog.

weekend snapshots


I am doing a schedule of posts for this blog, and even if the Weekend Snapshots meme has already closed, I still want to use my Mondays as a day to talk about a food item I ate from the weekend. For this post, I am sharing a food I ate yesterday - the Lasagna Wraps.

Served at Banapple in Il Terrazo in Tomas Morato, it was my first time to eat at the establishment, and first time to eat lasagna served this way. Normally, lasagna were layered, but this was rolled pasta with creamy filling inside. By the looks of it, it seemed as if the serving was a bit small, but reality is that, one of the wraps was already enough to make one full.

May I be able to sustain this food blog. Oh well, as long as I keep eating, I will keep on blogging. :)

*** Jenn ***


  1. This lasagna looks really good! It makes me crave for one right now, lol! Well, for sure I'll be making one of these tomorrow and I'm positive that my 8-year old daughter will be thrilled about it. It's her favorite lasagna dish.

  2. I like Banapple cakes... :D Uber love the banoffee pie and Honeylovin' crunch cake. too bad they're a bit far :(

    been eyeing to go back to try their meals. Hope they'll soon have a branch in Makati or The Fort.


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