Thursday, March 20, 2014


Time for Jollibee Tuna Pie
Uh huh... it's that time of the year again, a time for us foodies to enjoy the goodness of Jollibee Tuna Pie! Writing about this gives me mixed feelings - I remember years ago when I dread the idea of eating during the Lenten Season as it would mean no meat especially during Fridays, but now, the promise of eating the beloved Tuna Pie has given me a reason to look forward to this very important part of the Catholic Calendar.

Then and now, the taste of Jollibee Tuna Pie hasn't changed. It still had the creamy peppery flavor, and the big size to satisfy the tummy. It is now available in all Jollibee stores nationwide - 35 pesos for the solo one, and 45 pesos for the value meal. This tasty treat is available only until the end of April, so catch it while you can before it's too late.

If you have enjoyed this savory treat, feel free to share it on social media sites with the hashtag #TimeForTunaPie. Don't forget to tag Jollibee on Facebook (, Twitter ( and Instagram ( as well.

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