Friday, August 2, 2013

Cakes and Unlimited Coffee

My sister rarely travels to our paternal hometown in La Union, so whenever I come home from my La Union trip and I would share them stories and pictures from Thunderbird Resorts, she would always feel a little jealous about it, so when the her time to travel there finally arrived, she really wanted to check out the place.

Olive's Restaurant

Coming from the OTOP Fair, it was still very early when we arrived at the Thunderbird Resorts. I mentioned to sister that the last time I was there, Olives Restaurant was offering a slice of cake + a cup of coffee for p150. Weighing all things, we thought it was a good deal and seeing that they are still having the promo (this food trip was five months after my last visit at the resort), we decided to go for it.

Rocky Road Cake

Rocky Road Cake
Among the available cakes that time, I chose to go for this cake, mainly because of how good it looked. I truly am not that big of a chocolate fan, but there are times that I go for food that visually appeals to me, and this was one of those times.

The cake was moist and had the right amount of sweetness. The height of the cake also added points (as well as the frosting in between layers of cake), but there was a little lacking in the chocolate department. Sure, it tasted chocolate-y good, but not as rich as the other chocolate cakes I've tried.

Almond Cake

Coco-Almond Cake
The combination of Coconut and Almond piqued my sister's curiosity, so she chose this cake. It tasted good... again, it had the right amount of sweetness, but what I personally didn't like was that the cake was a little dry and coarse.

Brewed Coffee

We were happy to learn that our cakes came with refillable coffee. I didn't have that much expectations about it as I know all brewed coffee tasted the same, but this one was really delicious! It was served with milk and assortment of sugar on the side (white and brown), but the coffee itself tasted better than the typical brewed coffee I tasted. However, I only went with one cup because a cup of brewed coffee always make me go for two packets of white sugar, and I felt guilty about it. Sister went for two cups of coffee, because she, too, loved it.


The cakes and coffee was something to be thankful about - that even if this didn't really count as a food trip at Olive's Restaurant (because what we ate were cakes and not the restaurant's other offerings), we were glad that we discovered a place to have great coffee. Best reward for the day? Seeing the sunset from the restaurant's balcony.

Olives Restaurant
Thunderbird Resorts – Poro Point
VOA Compound, Pennsylvania Avenue
San Fernando City, La Union
Tel No: +63 (72) 888 7777


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