Wednesday, February 27, 2013

ABC Wednesdays | Goldilocks Muffins

Goldilocks Muffins
Goldilocks Muffins

It was a very long day for me, and I was feeling famished and tired. Thinking I'd be traveling for three hours going home, I decided to enter the Goldilocks Bake Shop branch near the Ayala MRT to grab some snacks. Thinking what to buy, these muffins caught my eye and  bought three of the four flavors available (I didn't get the Dark Chocolate Chip Muffin as I am not really into chocolate).

Packaging was okay, and opening the packs was a pleasure to do because the aroma of these muffins were so inviting! The size was a plus point, too!

Goldilocks | Banana Muffin
Goldilocks | Banana Muffin

Banana Muffin 
It tasted good... but I guess I've been steaming (as we don't have an oven) and eating a lot of banana cakes lately that this didn't appeal to me much anymore. But in case you wanna know, this has a good banana flavor, the sweetness was okay and the nuts gave a good contrast. If you love banana cakes, you will love this, too!

Goldilocks | Blueberry Muffin
Goldilocks | Blueberry Muffin

Blueberry Muffin
When I opened the pack, I made this closed-eyes remark, "Hmmmm.... blueberry." It does have a great blueberry smell, but when I cut it in half, I was a bit dismayed that it didn't have any hints of blueberries inside. The only blueberries it had was the swirl at the top, which wasn't much.

This morning, while editing these pictures, I made a web search if there are other blogs that talked about these muffins, and I came across Pinakbet.Net's post about the Blueberry Muffin and I was more dismayed when I saw that his/her muffin had blueberries inside. Awwww....

Goldilocks | Calamansi Orange Muffin
Goldilocks | Calamansi Orange Muffin

Calamansi Orange Muffin
My favorite of the three, because it was quite unique (there aren't a lot of citrusy muffins that I know of), and the one that's most flavorful as well. It had chunks of candied orange peels, which was a pleasure to eat because it didn't have hints of bitterness. Of the three, this was also the most moist.

Each of the muffins were less than 30 pesos each (Calamansi Orange and Banana were 26 each, Blueberry was 28). That alone makes it a very good buy because the muffins were big, the cake was compact and eating just the half of it can make one feel satisfied.

For sure I'd buy the Calamansi Orange Muffin again and maybe try the Dark Chocolate Chip Muffin next time, but the Blueberry, I don't know. Yes, it does taste good... but getting the muffin without the blueberries inside was a turn off and I feel afraid I might get a muffin that doesn't have any fillings again.


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