Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Royal Tru Lemon

When I arrived in Manila from La Union, a poster of Royal Tru Lemon on the wall of 7-11 caught my attention. At that time, it was only available at the said store, but since I was carrying two heavy bags and there was no 7-11 branch near our house, I didn't get to buy it within the same week.

While shopping for things needed for a dinner the family is hosting last week, I was surprised to see that the supermarket located just outside our neighborhood now sells the same fizzy drink.

Royal Tru Lemon
Royal Tru Lemon Royal Tru Lemon

This drink reminds me of Mountain Dew, but very light on the lemon flavor, and slightly sweeter as well. One thing I liked is that it wasn't as strong as the other fizzy drinks out there, and it is a good pair when eating lunch or snacks. However, I try my best to stay away from sugary drinks, so as much as I liked this, I won't really drink it everyday, or even 3x a week for that matter. Maybe during special occasions, I will.

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