Sunday, January 23, 2011

KBL (Kadyos, Baboy, Langka)

I have heard of KBL a few times, and when I flew to Iloilo in November with K, I made sure I'd take home key ingredients of the dish so I can cook it at home. I have no idea how to cook this dish, but as I search the internet for it, I saw a blog that gave out a recipe for this dish. My share of recipe for this week was mainly inspired by Market Manila's KBL - Kadyos, Baboy, Langka, but as I search more versions of this dish, I found another one picture which had some leaves of sweet potatoes, so I decided to put them together.

KBL (Kadyos, Baboy, Langka)

KBL (Kadyos, Baboy, Langka)
{serves 4 -5 }

  • 1 cup kadyos (pigeon peas)
  • 1/4 kilo pork, sliced
  • 1/2 kilo unripe langka (jackfruit)
  • water
  • 6 - 7 pieces of batwan
  • tanglad (lemongrass)
  • sweet potato tops
  • salt to taste

How to Cook:
  • Boil kadyos in water for about 10 minutes, drain and rinse.
  • In a separate pot, boil about 7 cups of water and add the pork. Let it boil for about 15 minutes, then add the pre-boiled kadyos. Cook until both the kadyos and pork are tender.
  • Add the langka and simmer until it's cooked. Add the batwan and simmer again for a few minutes, before adding the tanglad. Season the dish with salt then add the sweet potato tops. Cover the pot and turn off the heat.
  • Serve hot.

Points to Consider:
  • Add the batwan only after the other ingredients are cooked.
  • If you have some left over dish, take out and discard the batwan. When I cooked this dish, I let the batwan stay in the bowl and when I went to reheat it come dinner, it was way too sour already.

Some versions didn't have the sweet potato tops, but when I saw that picture with the leaves in it, I decided to go with it - after all, it's still fiber. :) It was a good addition, actually. This was the first and the only time I cooked this dish, and with our cousin here with us, I was at first hesitant in serving this to her, but we ended up eating a lot for lunch that day.

As for the pork, you can use whatever part or cut you want - I saw some pictures using pork's leg (pata), so as long as you follow the steps, then all is okay. The kadyos and langka can be found in public markets - I saw one stall at a market near our house one time, but even if I know three key ingredients of the dish are readily available, I still haven't cooked the dish again, because I don't know where to buy batwan here in the Metro.

*** Jenn ***

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