Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Iced Tea

The quote above was for drinking alcoholic beverages (I think), but I decided to use it for this picture, because this drink was a bottomless one, I decided to use the quote for this photo, too.

Bottomless iced tea... how often do you have it?

I know this is the generation of being practical, and establishments have started putting up upsize and bottomless drinks to lure in customers. While this is a very great way of spending hard earned bucks, some people tend to go overboard and abuse the privilege. One anecdote I could share was when my mom, sis, and I went to a restaurant and people at a table near us started arguing with the restaurant's staffs (even asking for the manager) because apparently they have been asking for an iced tea refill and no one seemed to be hearing them. I could understand their situation - I, too, would like to have my glass refilled because bottomless drinks were much pricier than the regular ones. So okay, their glasses were filled up, but as soon as the staff passed by our table (which was about two or three tables away), they started yelling for "iced tea nga!" Right then I didn't know if they were plain thirsty or just abusing the privilege. They did that countless times - I couldn't tell how much they had, we left before they did.

Bottomless may mean bottomless, and by putting it in the menu, the establishment is risking the fact that they might make a gazillion liters of iced tea for one person to consume, but then again I felt that they could have just waited for the staff to go around the restaurant before they asked for a refill. Okay, given the fact that they were really thirsty... still, they should act civilized and not just yell out and raise their glasses for the whole restaurant to see that they needed a refill. Bottomline is etiquette.

I do go for bottomless drinks, too, and if you'll ask me how many glasses I consume? Well, depends on the size of the glass, but knowing iced tea is packed with sugar, and that I don't like to use public restrooms, I only go for 3 glasses maximum. If I am with friends (which is very, very, very rare) and we plan to stay at the restaurant chit-chatting the day (or night) away, I sometimes go for 4 - 5, but I don't go more than that. I know restaurants have to earn, too. :)

*** Jenn ***

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