Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Eating - A New Meme

When I started joining blog memes, the very first meme I joined was "Weekend Snapshots." It was through that meme that I realized the potential of my cell phone to capture good images, and it was through that meme that I have found my passion in photography. It has ended already, and although there was someone who took over, the meme just died slowly.

Still, every Monday here in my food blog, I do the Weekend Snapshots meme, using the foods I ate from the previous weekend. I am now thinking of reliving the meme, using the name, "Weekend Eating."

It's just another food blog meme, yes... but I do know there are people who regard the weekends as a time for the family or for his/herself, and food is a part of this weekend celebration. Whether it's something you cooked or you ate at home or outside, if you want us to share what we ate during the last weekend, I am inviting you to join the meme.

Obvious Rules:
  • Post images of a food you ate during the past weekend (Friday included). Please use only images that are your own.
  • Do include the code of the badge:

  • Leave your link below once you're done making the post.
  • Visit the other participants' blogs, too.

The linky will be up every Monday 12mn (Manila Time) and will stay open for six days.

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My share for this week:


Last Saturday, mom and I were supposed to go to SM MOA for an event I was invited, but we decided to cancel it because mom might get tired with the traveling. Instead, we just watched "Megamind" on 3D, and after, we had some snacks at Chowking. It was quite cold inside the cinema, and my mom said she wanted to have some hot soup.

She had the wanton noodles, and also bought a serving of the siomai for me since I opted to get the solo Orange Chicken meal. I have always loved Chowking's siomai. I find it really delicious, with or without the soy sauce/kalamansi juice dip. Only thing missing is the toasted garlic, but it was okay.

What did you eat last weekend? Want to share it with me? If you do, please leave your link below, and I'd hop into your blog right away.

*** Jenn ***

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Thank you all for dropping by. If you are playing the blog meme, please leave your link so I could hop on your posts, as well.