Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A - Asparagus

Round 7 of ABC Wednesday!


This bunch of asparagus was seen at the weekend market of the Lung Center of the Philippines. When my brother and I went there last May, we checked out every kiosks in every aisle... and since my food blog is also doing the ABC Wednesday, I also took the time to take pictures of different food items that I could later use for this meme.

Personally speaking, I am not a big fan of this vegetable. I don't find it delicious, but my mom loves it, so every time we do the grocery and she sees some good looking asparagus in the produce section, she would buy some. Although I don't find this one delicious, whenever it is served in the table, I would still eat it. Either I am a goat or that I do know the nutrients I could get from vegetables like this one.

I planned to get this bunch for mom, but it was outrageously expensive. I asked if I could get half of the bunch, but the vendor didn't want to. Boo. Nah... it was okay. :)

*** Jenn ***


  1. I grow it but I don't like it either (it's for my husband)

  2. I Love it when used with other ingrediants, on its own steamed with butter is OK too. I once had a salmon and asparagus quiche which was quite delicious.

    Thanks so much for contributing toABC Wednesday - looking forward to your yummy posts.

    ABC Team

  3. I do like asparagus - and this photo is just beautiful. A

  4. We dont have asparagus in Macedonia. I mean we do, in big supermarkets, but its not popular. So, I've never tasted it.

    I like this picture, though.

  5. Oh, asparagus, you oddly beautiful vegetable! I detested you as a child when my mother served canned asparagus in the winter, but then I grew up and learned to not overcook it and love it, well, certainly do like it much more than formerly!

    Wonderful portrait of this veggie which has such a short season in late spring in Michigan.

    Helen Mac of the ABC world

  6. Yum that is a great picture. Great way to start the new round.

  7. Lovely photo of a vegetable I HATE!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  8. A wonderful picture of my favorite vegetable .

    ABC Wednesday Team
    Thanks for participating

  9. I love asparagus with a bit of lemon juice and a dollop of mayo. This photo looks good enough to eat!

  10. Someone once told me it takes more calories to digest asparagus than they actually are. I wonder if that is true?

  11. I detest Canned Asparagus but I do so deeply love young tender fresh Asparagus, now my mouth is watering! What a great choice for the letter A. :)

  12. love that!! especially when mom cooks it with chicken or just plain stir-fry.


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