Whenever my sister and I were in our house in La Union, we always look forward to eating dinuguan (pork blood stew) because it just tasted better that the ones we cook in our own house. I guess the difference was with the blood, because when consumers ask for blood at the market, it's already mixed with vinegar and salt, unlike the blood available in the markets here in Manila - vendors would just give pure blood.
Aunt Julie gave us packets of frozen pig's blood to take home last November, so the whole family could eat the dish as well. I cooked this one, just to try if I can cook it or not... and it was really good. Honestly, I prefer it with coconut milk, but the family wasn't used to eating with coconut milk.
The only downside to this dish was that it was really difficult to take a picture of it! I should've tried using a smaller bowl so I could take a picture of the whole bowl... but promise, the next time I cook dinuguan, I will try to capture a better picture.
*** Jenn ***