Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fried Chicken

Fried Chicken

Once, my sister and I did the grocery, and because it took us nearly an hour to do it and it was very late in the afternoon already, we decided to eat early dinner already. We didn't want to carry all the bags to the upper ground floor of the mall, so we just ate at the food court.

Before, my sister and I loved to eat foods from Chicken Company because they serve big pieces of chicken, compared to the others. However, as time went on, many restaurants and fast food shops were serving better tasting chicken, so we've already forgotten how Chicken Company's food taste like already.

The Chicken Company serves a lot of chicken dishes, but my favorite will always be the lemon pepper chicken. I just love the tangy lemon taste mixed with the spicy peppery taste. Paired with the buttered mixed veggies, it's so great... but for this, they gave me a little cup of lomi.

It still tasted like the way I used to love it. Delicious!

*** Jenn ***


  1. I think Fried chicken is already considered as universal food, as in you can eat it with anything.
    Happy Friday!

  2. Fried chicken is always a best seller with my kids.

  3. everybody's favorite, i guess, except me.:P i'm not much of a fried chicken fan.

  4. Fried chicken is always in our menu every weekend--palaging ubos ang kanin ng mga bata pag yan ang ulam!^_^

    Happy Food Trip Friday!!

  5. Fried chicken is everyone's favorite. I have yet to try out Chicken Company. Will do, one of these days. :)

  6. Everybody..and mean EVERYBODY, loves fried chicken..

  7. i love fried chicken too, Jen! But am adviced to be off from it for some months. Pero am tempted kaya balik balik pa rin allergies ko.

    Happy weekend, Jenn!

  8. ahh yung nasa food court eto debah?

    my entry for food trip friday is here

    Great day for us Food Weekenders:)

    Thanx for the Visit :)


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