Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Greenwich with Ahdz

Starting today, I will blog about my "eat out" foods. Since my travel blog - Jenn Was Here - also talks about restaurants and food places I visited, what I will do is to just post one picture and tell about the story behind the food. I am currently in a nostalgic mood, so I picked a food from last year.

17 March of 2008, I met up with my very dear friend Ahdz. We were supposed to meet December of 2007 so she could give her Christmas gift, but our schedules and priorities didn't meet up, so it took about three months before we were able to see each other.

She told me she wanted to treat me out, but I didn't want her to spend too much, so we just went to the Food Court of SM Cubao. Each of us had pasta (lasagna) and we both shared a regular pan pizza - Hawaiian flavor. She actually bought a serving of Takuyaki for each of us from a food kiosk, and it has been a fun dinner. The lasagna wasn't my favorite pasta, but it was delicious.

I guess part of the reason for me to share this image was the fact that I am missing her. Hopefully this May we can meet again.

*** Jenn ***


  1. miss you too my dearest friend...Ahd'z here!

  2. that's my favorite too lasagna from greenwich the last time i ate lasagna was in 2007 when i was in the Philippines really yummy and creamy, greetings from the Netherlands


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