Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Off to Cebu and Dumaguete!

{This post is visible in all my blogs}

I may not have time later tonight or tomorrow morning, so I will be posting this now. Tomorrow, brother and I (together with Marilou - an SFC friend from La Union) will be traveling to Cebu City to attend the International Conference of Singles for Christ. So far, things are in order… I just need to know which places we will check upon arrival and on Thursday.

Monday morning, brother and I will take the boat to Dumaguete City and will stay there until afternoon of the 26th.

My blog posts will have to take a pause (as I don’t own a laptop), but some blogs have scheduled posts and I will try to update as often as I can by getting into an Internet Cafe, so please do check back once in a while if there will be new posts.

Please pray for our safety. Thanks!

*** Jenn ***

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