Thursday, January 8, 2009

Food Choices - 010809

Healthier You 2009

1. What are your fitness and health goals this year?
>>> Lose enough weight that could make me wear swimsuit without having to put a shirt on top of it.

2. Are you dieting? What is an effective diet plan for you?
>>> I have always failed in any diet plan I entered.

3. If you are intent on losing, what is more important – poundage or inches?
>>> Inches. Some people have big bones, which means that they would weigh heavier.

4. Do you take diet pills?
>>> No. I am afraid to.

5. Choose only one – diet or exercise? Why?
>>> Exercise. Food is just so good!

Fear Factor:
One effective diet tip you would like me to know. Share please. I’m desperate :)
>>> Oooohhh.. I need one, too!

Tell Me:
Would you go under the knife if all else fails?
>>> Yes. I would love to have bariatic surgery and tummy tuck because I am way so obese.

*** Jenn ***

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